
Whether you are just starting your practice or have been practicing for years, navigating through the complexities of the insurance world can be challenging. You can grow your practice and attract more families when you are in an insurance company’s network. Our enrollment experts can help!

Your Accounts

Medical Reimbursement Consultants specializes in ABA and Physician medical billing and practice support for autism centers and healthcare providers. Including physicians, psychiatrists, psychologist, BCBA, PT, OT and SP. MRC services, procedures and software help busy practices keep up. Our ABA Therapy Billing Service includes practice management software (TotalABA), enrollment with insurance companies, work flow recommendations and many other processes to streamline operations and build a financially successful ABA practice within medical insurance guidelines and requirements.


Telehealth and remote patient visits are becoming a bigger piece of the puzzle as we seek out new ways to drive down healthcare costs. Patients are demanding more flexible, convenient access to their providers in both suburban and rural environments. Make sure your practice is ready to respond.